From human instinct to realizing the image of the Anthropos. The Anthropos is the instinctual form behind the fully mature human being. One can also say that the image of the Anthropos represents the forces, the way and the goal – that the creative spirit within our nature utilizes to make us fully mature human […]
Creative people have often felt that they for their productivity are dependent on an autonomous creative active factor present within their nature. A innate creative Spirit, and a faculty not of their own. Others who create more by their rational talents, simply state that their intuition brings along solutions needed. Some of the great inventors […]
The objective and the subjective psyche-the outer and inner world presented in the objective part-a field of awareness–the subjective psyche processes the perceptual contents and express content of itself -ego and Self related into the field of awareness too. The psyche as duality is a vessel of conflicting often opposing qualities and forces, we re […]
The ‘living’ Unconscious – living innate creative nature–having a ‘mind of its own’- expresses itself in our body and psyche in myriads of archetypal expressions that determine specific biological and psychic behaviours, thus specific patterns of behaviour- as such they can be perceived as instincts of ‘lower’-biological and ‘higher’-psycho-spiritual behaviour. Human psychological development goes from […]
The human being who has taken upon him- or herself the task of individuation, which also means attaining Self-knowledge, seeks insight in the nature of the Unconscious (the Self-the inner Spirit) – and brings by this its archetypes within the realm of ego-conscious light. Becoming conscious or making something conscious means that one brings something that was […]
Individuation means becoming conscious-aware of our outer and inner world. Becoming conscious means knowing the nature of content that is presented to us in our field of awareness. Content from the senses -body sense included and content produced by the Unconscious. Reason–makes understanding and knowledge out of it. [[ In development … All our knowledge […]
[ In development . . . . .
The limits of our rational intellect can be tested in daily life. But are their limits on our assumed boundless fantasy? Imagine the ideal human — the perfect society– the extra-terrestrial alien. Or sink your fantasy-teeth into the by silicon valley folk dreamed trans-human of tomorrow, whose body and brain is replaced by immortal inorganic […]
”He has seen real people”, words heard during an archaeological dig in the year 101707 after discovering a pre-transhuman era robot. Words of veneration said by an an-organic transhuman post-biological human when talking to his own kind about a just discovered very ancient old robot. Long after the biologically-based humans have disappeared in a robotic […]
… and therefore the instinct of human bonding and its corresponding feeling and its energy-charge cannot be fully expressed. Expanding insight into autism by setting this relatively modern phenomenon against a psychological background that includes the activity of innate creative nature. Autistic functioning points to a partial obstruction within the psyche hindering the assimilation and […]
Making sense of modern-day confusion around gender identity in light of the androgynous aspect of human nature, expressed physically or psychologically. There are growing groups in modern individualistic society of men who don’t feel they are men and women who don’t feel they are women. And people who think they have a 50/50 balanced ambisexual […]
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