Supporting reading & material

Marie-Louise von Franz. A must for every woman who is interested in depth psychology and the spiritual (archetypal) aspect of her nature. She brings archetypes into real lived life. Her works on individuation and the play of archetypes in folklore and fairy tales; products of creative fantasy in all cultures. On the relation between matter and the psyche. Her biography of C.G.Jung.

Carl. G. Jung. The structure of the psyche.  The nature of and the manifestation of archetypes within the human psyche. Their expression in religions and their projection into alchemy as a psychological process of development and so much more. His ‘Man and his symbols’ and his autobiography, will serve as a good entree.

Barbara Hannah’s ‘The animus’ as the Spirit of Truth in women.

Aniella Jaffe-the myth of meaning – contains a clear explanation of archetypes.

June SingerAndrogyny – Woman in search of a soul.

J.C .Cooper– Her works on Taoism and clarification of the opposites in the experience of life.

Jean Shinoda Bolen– Goddesses in every woman-Gods in every man

Erich Neumann – The great Mother

Fred Polak‘s works regarding Futurology.  Books, The image of the future : Prognostica and regarding the future of our physical evolution in relation to our life style, his important ‘Slowmotion Man’

Frank Goble’s book-—-‘Maslow’s the third way.’ Showing aspects of the psychology of the more fully grown human of tomorrow. Strongly recommended by Maslow himself

Gershom Scholem-Jewish mysticism -Kabbalah; Zohar by Daniel C.Matt.

Henri Corbin-Islamic mysticism; Sara Sviri-Sufism

Joel Ryce-Menuhin-Jung and the monotheisms; Freema Gottlieb’s ‘Lamp of God’

David Tacey–In particular his last three books: Beyond literal belief;  The darkening of Spirit; the Post-secular Sacred, a good summary of how we have lost our natural spiritual sense or our religious instinct.  

Enno Boeke-His two books with a brilliant analysis of biblical symbolism.‘Hoogte en diepte’ (Hight and Depth) +’Rondom het paradijsverhaal’ ( Around the story of paradise). One about biblical dualism in light of the cycle of time – the other deals with symbolism around the paradise story. One of the rare people who can reveal the deeper meaning of biblical symbol-metaphor-allegory.  These unique books are in need of an English translation.

Oxford centre for Hindu studies= for outstanding online courses on Hindu philosophy.

Bhagavad GitaUpanishads–Puranas.

Frank Herberts – series of Dune, psychology and philosophy projected in parallel worlds. Beautifully written, and highly educational.

I Ching – Superior knowledge of human nature and psychic development in the action of life. The interplay of the feminine and the masculine creative principle in life. Once brought forth by religious intuition in ancient times and is based on the principle of synchronicity. An instrument for ego-consciousness to connect with the Unconscious (or Spirit) by way of ‘meaningful coincidence’.

Youtube: interviews with  M-L-von Franz-The way of the dream; interview Abraham Maslow