Section 3 Column 3

‘Spirit’ defined + a more differentiated God-image and what that means for human life; The Unknown Divine–The manifested universal Divine– God as endo-psychic human-making creative reality.

“The Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.” Aramaic Bible / John 3:8 Spirit as a phenomenon–general perception and concept–unknown factor-presence – /-manifested and empirically observable – /-knowable by indirect […]

Yoga-Meditation and western interpretation-The ethical path (atman in all)-Karma yoga and Krishna-Buddhism-The Bodhisattva and Nirvana-bringing Yin and Yang in union in Tao- Zen – I Ching.

Conscious meditation, imagination and reflection on inner spirit. Meditation means…observing the autonomic expression of the soul plus its reactions to your behavior in and attitude to life (your outer and inner experiences) and form your meaning about these-one can add ones dreams , fantasies -feelings to these as well Jung-Individuation requires bringing the opposites into […]