The human being is formed between her biological-social nature, dominated world and her internal world where intra-psycho-spiritual content has its way and say. The ego-conscious part of our psyche is formed and shaped between the hammer and anvil of these two realities, as we often painfully are aware of–when these worlds clash when they are […]
The SELF must be considered the whole of our personality, it contains the ego-complex with its own personal unconscious and is permeated and encompassed by the (collective) Unconscious, which is the origin of the archetypes that drive the individuation towards becoming a highly conscious and mature human being.The human psyche is divided into a conscious […]
The Self, comprises the body, the ego-complex, the human mind, the conscious and the unconscious psyche, including the inherent spirit. The Self in its dynamic aspect is a living whole and an entity that continuously renews improves and transforms itself. We, as ego-centered relatively conscious beings, partake in and have a crucial function in this […]
Not only has nature provided us with a capacity of reason to navigate outer and inner life, but it has also given us a natural conscience that can serve us as Spiritus Rector, a guiding spirit that brings us to a higher ethical state of human being. It is very important to pay attention to […]
Hanuman, an image produced by the creative Indian religious intuition, reminds us to become more conscious of the reality that we are ‘spiritualized’ (blue) animals (monkeys) and, thus, have to pay attention to the lower and the higher the biological and spiritual (the archetypal)- aspect of our nature. By ‘spiritual’, we mean the archetypal force […]