Individuation as ‘will’ of Spirit

‘Spirit’ defined + a more differentiated God-image and what that means for human life; The Unknown Divine–The manifested universal Divine– God as endo-psychic human-making creative reality.

“The Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.” Aramaic Bible / John 3:8 Spirit as a phenomenon–general perception and concept–unknown factor-presence – /-manifested and empirically observable – /-knowable by indirect […]

Logos & Eros – the two wings of the whole-making spirit: major aspects of what we named the masculine and feminine creative principles, these are two creative spiritual forces that serve the human creating Divine Spirit

Eros and Logos, these two wings of the creating aspect of the Spirit are in highest the spirits of love and truth. To be lived and be united as one under One conscious light through recognition and the realization of the Feminine side of the creating Spirit, also known as Sophia, Shekhinah, Sakina in Islam, enabling […]