Assist the project & contact To assist and improve this project with constructive criticism and additional information. General questions – Suggestions-contributions: TZADDIK@TUTA.COM In this project, we aim to envision the world of tomorrow. Given that half of humankind is female, we particularly welcome input from women in the form of diverse perspectives, helpful ideas, and constructive criticism. Topics include: Views on the Future Life of Women: We’re interested in hearing what you think women will value most in the future. We’d also like to know your thoughts on their conceptions of the meaning of life, love, the value of nature, social justice, and general ethics. Female Spirituality and Religion: How can women’s spiritual perspectives be integrated into their religious life and view, Social Dynamics: What will women expect from men, their spouses, other women, and their governments in terms of improving their lives and futures? Additionally, how will the maturation and individuation of women affect male behavior, and vice versa? Economy and Ecology: We’re curious about your thoughts on merging economy and ecology (care for and maintenance of nature, its flora and fauna), especially as this area promises to be a major field of employment in the future. You can find these subjects and more under the heading ‘Tomorrow’s Women’ on our homepage Our goals: 1 – To expand insight into the nature of the human psyche. In particular, the intra-psychic creative forces that influence the direction of our lives and help us to become psychologically fully mature individuals. 2 – To shed light on the nature of mature conscious-aware individuals, males and females. Individuals who are conscious-aware of the spiritual/innate creative aspect of their nature, and who are psychologically mature and rounded. This provides us with a pointer for our personal development 3 – To sketch a realistic, enduring and optimistic future image of humanity, based on the nature, values and views on life of these psychologically mature individuals. This image gives us a direction for our collective efforts and development. If you recognize the value of what we do. Then, please donate for the ongoing maintenance and expansion of this information website.
Becoming Human Individuation as innate drive The individuation process in down to earth language Tomorrow’s world Tzaddik...on Tomorrow’s woman