. Supreme Spirit--> [ Materialized Spirit –> body —Personality–psyche < — Spiritualized Matter ] <–Supreme Spirit .
—- Supreme Spirit = (unmanifested + manifested creating Spirit .
—— Supreme reality = Unmanifested + phenomenal and noumenal reality .
——-Within the human being, matter and spirit, visible and invisible nature meet—–
Physical human is a vessel (soul) in which biological and spiritual nature comes to expression.——-
——Spirit – (hard problem) – Matter – (hard problem) – Body – (hard problem) – Psyche – (hard problem) – Spirit——-
Other statements to ponder:
The body, the psyche and the Unconscious and it’s archetypal /spiritual aspect, constitute the Self.—–
The collective Unconscious, we all partake in, can be equated with Spirit (of nature), and its creative tools are the archetypes, that we have to give a (conscious) realization in life.—–
The collective Unconscious and its archetypes – equates to the Universal Atman and its Pantheon-the many Gods/ spiritual forces and qualities–and when brought under an individual conscious light it has become the personal Atman and equates to a personal Unconscious—–.
The universal Self/all permeating Spirit–the Unconscious– is the archetype that contains all the archetypes—-.
Through the Unconscious or the spiritual dimension of the Self we are connected to infinity and eternity.——
Archetypes (spiritual forms and forces) underpin and permeate the Substance of the Universe and determine its behavior, properties and qualities. As such, the Universe can be perceived as their field of expression. The Universe is the field of expression and creation of Spirit…a created reality within the Spirit—–
God is a phenomenon -a creating entity-a creator-creating within itself-creating new things within itself . Transforming us- in which we partake. It seeks through us a new type of conscious and thus ethical light-that can straddle this realm of space time and the realm it was impelled from. In that lies the idea of becoming a highly valued servant of the Divine. An individual who knows the mine and Thine of its nature.
Unus Mundus/Ein Sof – The One reality – manifested + unmanifested; space-time + timeless and spaceless.——
Space and time are constructions of the mind to conceive order in a reality that is …’just so’ … and has a meaning (Tao) in itself.
A synchronistic event is …
[ in development …