‘Spirit’ defined + a more differentiated God-image and what that means for human life; The Unknown Divine–The manifested universal Divine– God as endo-psychic human-making creative reality.

“The Spirit breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.”

Aramaic Bible / John 3:8

Spirit as a phenomenon–general perception and concept–unknown factor-presence – /-manifested and empirically observable – /-knowable by indirect means-inference-/- as a manifest creative factor in nature- within human life and the human psyche with its tools, the archetypes/ dynamic ideas and forces-constant unchangeable forms-carrying primordial meanings-biological structures functions—–aion

God is Spirit….Spirit manifested as Spirit of phenomenal nature / Universal and personal Atman

{In development …