The future of religion. Modern God-image. Religion as an instrument in service of creative Spirit. Oneness of the Abrahamic faiths. Saving Islam?

A living spirit- innate – to be realized by means of two major creative principles

In development:

God-image-internal creative factor origin is out of reach of human reason–spiritualization -maturation – of the biological human by means of E X L F X M 2 creative – opposite sexual principles – to be lived recognized and unified under conscious light. Not without the feminine-the higher Eros….no complete Logos

The end of one-patriarchal religion-Does Islam need saving from its extremist aspects ?

Patriarchal religion–Saving orthodox Judaism, Islam and other religions that are too much dominated by the masculine. They are already isolated islands in the field of true spirituality. They don’t serve the Holy Spirit- { the psycho-spiritually whole-making spirit-} present within each individual, and be its instrument to educate the people about the nature of this -their- Spirit and how people can connect through it to the Divine. Patriarchal religion has become a set of spiritually deaddening rules rites routines and is filled with words that carry no spirit.

The living word of their supporting scriptures has died by means of the masculine dry Logos and the absence of higher -spiritually-based feminine Eros-which leads to wisdom -the realization of the Shekinah -Sakina and Sophia. The beauty of metaphor and symbolic meaning having a spiritual base and the emotionality of the mythopoetic imagery embedded in its scriptures that corresponds with the language of the soul (the vessel of spirit) in every human being is not transferred by most teachers of too patriarchal religions. Empty words and shallow sentiment without spiritual depth.

Worse, greedy power-driven people are abundant within their religious institutes and misuse their holy books. There is no future for extreme patriarchy or for petty men without spirit and their disrespect for the divine in modern religion. The Bible and Koran should be read with a wider spirit. Without the Shekhinah, the Torah cannot be read and understood fully -this goes as well for the Sakina when reading the Koran–it’s that feminine aspect of the -human – creating Divine -the Holy Spirit that must be present as well. The Feminine brings love for humankind and wisdom with her.

In the religion of tomorrow wherein the feminine aspect of (Holy-whole-making) spirit must be taken into account and partake in religious practice and spiritual development. She is to a higher degree more represented and reflected by females and thus when females are absent-repressed or excluded, then a male in fact is –if not creative stagnation in small religious circle as well in whole religious founded cultures. The feminine must partake and the women of these cultures mus be free to express their nature and bring the creativity out the males — who repress the feminine of the spiritual aspect of their nature. Men and women depend on each other for becoming fully mature- and for their spiritual development.

– if they will not obey the divine and natural law

What happened to Islam?–Army of the Mahdi will be ..?

Hybrid symbolic image-Krishna Child god-Masculine Feminine – God of Love (Mukti -truth about life through love humankind and the good aspects and values of the divine)